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      Home Page >>Product


      Product Classification:

      Functional overview:

      product details

      Main features are as follows:

      Can display the line 2 x 16 characters, each character is made up of 5 x 8 dot matrix characters block set

      8 bit parallel data interface, adaptation M6800 series sequence:

      Optional four parallel data

      Has the character generator ROM, 10880

      192 kinds of 5 x font character at 8 o 'clock

      64 kinds of 5 x font at 10 characters

      Contains a character generator RAM, 512

      Eight kinds of 5 x font character at 8 o 'clock

      Four kinds of 5 x 10 point font character

      Low power consumption, high reliability


      Online Purchasing

      • Can't see clearly? Click on the Change Picture

      Copyright © 2007-2027 ddjmlcm.com All Rights Reserved. Shenzhen City DADI Jinmao Industrial Co., Ltd.   

      • This site supports multi-terminal browsingThis site supports multi-terminal browsing


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