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      Home Page>>News

      The company's new website is a new online

      Release time:2014-12-24 16:45:10

      In 2011, in order to better serve the broad masses of customers, based on 2010, continue to do the market well, the great jin MAO industry on the one hand, heavily in research and development and quality inspection management and investment; On the other hand, strengthen the establishment of the international platform. Company in March as alibaba international standing gold supplier, at the same time the company new English website will formally launched at the end of April. Welcome the masses of customer care.


      Alibaba website: www.lcmchina.cn

      Company English website: www.lcm-china.com


      Copyright © 2007-2027 ddjmlcm.com All Rights Reserved. Shenzhen City DADI Jinmao Industrial Co., Ltd.   

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